Nowadays Instagram has become one of the most widely used networks for image sharing using a mobile app. You share your images to the public get likes from anyone around the world using the instagram app, see other's photos, give likes and comments on them. This is a very fun to use and gives you more confidence as you get likes and comments on your images from others in the world but on the same time there are people who are using this as means of wrongful/spam publicity resulting in fake comments, fake likes and fake followers on your account. This way of spamming came to be known as
Instaspam sounds kinda funny and feel like you're being spammed when you hear from others about their images getting spammed but when you post an image. You may start getting a flood of likes, followers and comments telling you how to get more likes/followers/comments or have links in the comments that would link to posts like such make up for quiet a serious annoyance when using instagram.
Instaspam decreases your real followers and your account will have more spammers following than your target audience but the strange fact is that the overall count of your account followers will decrease by a lot. Another consequence of this is the removal of images from your account without your doing that. You photos would start disappearing without you actually deleting them which then would cause you a lot of followers unfollowing your account and the lost of popularity of your account with your hard earned audience.
Types of instaspammers
has been doing a lot in trying to remove spam/fake accounts from their
app, to protect their users from the instaspam, but as soon as they remove accounts new fake and spammy accounts
gets created by spammers and this cycle goes on. Lets see what the types
of these instagram spam accounts are
- Passive Spammers: These types of spammers are very few and far less now. They only have one uploaded image and biography. They have statements like: "Click on this link for getting followers" or "Get more likes by opening this link"
- Aggressive Spammers: This type of spammers is the most common and you are most likely to get spammed by one of these. To identify these whenever you get a comment on your photo, by this type of spammer, it will always contain text with a link directing you to checkout some website and when you open the website you will certainly regret that decision.
- Logrolling Spammers: These spammers have complete working profiles but their accounts will be the type of "like for like" exchangers. They would like your image for each image you like on their account.
Now the question is how to protect yourself from Instaspam?
Ways to avoid Instaspam
There are very few choices that you can take to avoid getting instaspam which are as follows:
- Change your account privacy to make it private and share your images with specific users
- Report messages and accounts which keep bugging you or posting spam comments on your photos to stop them from further doing Instaspam or block those accounts.
- Change your instagram account password regularly to keep your account safe from hackers.
- Use the security options provided by the Instagram, such as abuse reporting.
Instaspam has very adverse affects on your account and your account can be harmed by them at any time. It will be very helpful for you to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge about the instaspam and how it can happen so that you could take effective measures to save your account ASAP.
Posted on:
Monday, 13 November 2017
Zain Aftab
instagram followers
instagram spam
spam accounts
what is instagram spam
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